About Us


The Directors/Counsellors at Omega Consultants carry with them many years of experience and expertise in International College Admissions and College Funding. Most of them have an international college degree or at least a few years of foreign work experience. They come from varied backgrounds such as Engineering, Merchant Navy, Educational Psychology, School Psychology and Entrepreneurship. All are Certified Career Advisors. Today, Omega Consultants, has its presence in Ireland, India and Georgia, and is proud to be one of the most successful career planning organisation in the world. The foundation was laid in 2001 in India and till now many students and young adults have been placed in International Universities all over the globe. Also, most have secured some form of scholarship or funding to fulfil their dream of a prestigious international degree.

Our Mission

Provide honest and practical career guidance to students.
Counsel students on choosing the right course, universities and career opportunities based on aptitude, interest and personality. Provide stress free admission process to foreign universities of student’s choice.

Our Methodology

Conduct Aptitude Test.
Counsel student on suitable careers, programs, universities and countries based on Aptitude, Interest and Personality of the student.
Strengthen the application profile of the student to increase the likelihood of successful admission to desired program.

Our Strength

The varied team of global professionals coming together to help students choose the
most lucrative careers.

Our Vision Statement

To provide professional, informed and ethical guidance to students. Ethical Guidance on their education and career as per their dreams which will benefit them for lifetime. We strive to provide comprehensive guidance personally, professionally and even spiritually. The aim is to help individual grow, become productive and eventually successful in their lives.


We believe in Transparency of delivering information and this has always been a success strategy since the very beginning.

We discuss with students and their parents in great detail about personality traits, aptitudes, interest and matching careers. We provide clear information about admission process, visa intricacies and setting issues in foreign land.

Post Landing Services

Omega counsellors are unique in this aspect of providing post landing services to clients. This includes counselling and support in adjusting to cultural diversity, financial stress, off campus job guidance, accommodation, transport, etc.