Australia Immigration

Australia is an extremely popular destination for highly skilled young people wishing to start a new life in another country. The country’s economy is strong and Australia is actively encouraging the immigration of skilled migrants. Skilled migrants wishing to work in Australia will be assessed on a points based system with points awarded for work experience, qualifications and language proficiency. Other ways of obtaining immigration visas to Australia include the Australian Family Migration and Humanitarian Programs.

Requirements for Immigration

Age – you must be under 45 when you apply.

English language – you should have sufficient ability in the English language to work in Australia (at least at a vocational level for trade qualifications and competent level for managerial/administrater occupations and professional/associate professional occupations).

Qualifications – you must have post-secondary qualifications and your skills must be assessed by the relevant assessing authority as suitable for your nominated occupation.

Nominated occupation – when you apply you nominate a skilled occupation, which fits your skills and qualifications. Your nominated occupation must be found on the Skilled Occupations List.

Recent work experience – you must have been working for 12 out of the last 24 months in your nominated occupation.

Australian qualification exemption – you do not need to meet the work experience requirement if you have completed an Australian qualification less than 6 months before lodging your visa application.

Skills assessment – before you apply, you must have your skills assessed by the Australian assessing authority designated to assess your nominated occupation.

Effective 1st july 2010 Australian Government has released new Skill Occupation List (SOL). For Assessment under new rules Please contact us.