Denmark Immigration

About Denmark

With world’s highest level of income equality; Denmark provides best standards of health, welfare and education.

Denmark is the most peaceful and safe country to migrate. It offers excellent education system and is one of the most lucrative countries to study from. The country also has variety of employment opportunities for skilled professionals who want to settle in a new country. The country’s immigration policy is flexible and invites people from all over the world to get a residence and work permit. Denmark has framed many schemes to attract skilled workers from outside the country.

Why Immigrate To Denmark

Immigration to Denmark is beneficial for Indians and other nationals due to the following reasons:

Denmark has been marked as most happening place of the world.
Health, welfare and education system of the country are far better than any other place in the world.
Denmark invites professionals and students from India and all other countries to work study and settle in the country.

To increase Immigration to Denmark, the country has reduced visa process time of the Danish Green Card. Employment opportunities are more in Denmark for Skilled professionals as most of the population of the country has reached the age of retirement from their jobs.

Working In Denmark

To cater the need of man power, Denmark has introduced Positive List of occupations that need skilled overseas workers. People from India and other nations except from Europe and Switzerland are allowed to apply for this visa and migrate to Denmark.

IT & Communication, Management & Health Care etc are some of the sectors in which you can work in Denmark and subsequently settle there.

The country offers high salaried and valued jobs. It is home to various multinational firms like A. P. Moller-Maersk Group, Danfoss, Carlsberg, Lundbeck and Novo Nordisk, to name a few. In addition, Copenhagen is decked with global business centers of several companies like Dell, Microsoft and Nokia!

Basic Features of Danish Green Card / Denmark Green Card

Under the Green Card scheme, visa holder will be granted a first -time temporary residence permit for 3 years. Before the end of this period, you can also apply for an extension of up to 4 years
Residence permit can be extended if you have worked for the past 12 months for a minimum of ten hours per week
If you have held a Danish temporary residence permit for at least four years, you can apply for a permanent residence permit. With a permanent residence permit, you no longer need to apply for an extension of your residence permit but can reside in Denmark for as long as you wish, provided you meet eligibility conditions. You will be eligible to apply for Danish Nationality or Citizenship status if you have lived in Denmark for a continuous period of at least 9 years

Your spouse, registered partner or cohabiting partner, as well as any children under the age of 18 who are living at home with you, are also eligible for residence permits. Your spouse, registered partner or cohabiting partner is allowed to work full time for the entire period his or her permit is valid

Eligibility for Danish Green Card / Denmark Green Card

The Danish Green Card/Denmark Green Card is a point based system and in order to qualify applicants must score 100 points. “The Hope” processes applications only of those who score these points, which makes us confident of our success. Points are scored from any of the following: