Services For Students

Services for Students - Overview

Omega Consultants strive to bring to students the most accurate information about varied courses/ programs and universities. Each student is given a tailor-made plan. For example, the student will be informed complete details of the foreign country of interest, the top most colleges for program of interest, and will be helped in choosing the best fit of college and program depending on the student’s academic scores.


Career Counseling:

If the student is confused about his/her career plan with respect to which country to study in, what course to choose and which colleges to apply to Omega Consultants guide the student step by step to make wise decisions. At Omega we believe in helping and guiding young adults in maximizing their potential in a career which will eventually bring in contentment and joy along with financial success. Besides referring to one’s personality type, aptitude, and academic scores, good thought and effort goes into matching a student with the right course and country. We do not practice mechanical
matches! Students are encouraged to think long term in terms of job availability and agreebility of lifestyle and culture with one’s personal belief system.

Admission Guidance:

When a decision has been made about a Program and a Country, the student is hand holded in the admission process.
 Training in the tests that have to be given
 Writing of the Statement -of-Purpose
 Write up for financial aid
 Write up for Letters -of- Reference
 List of Universities to apply to
 Documentation for Visa


Exams Coaching and Training:

Coaches at Omega provide training to students to take tests like GRE, GMAT, IELTS, TOEFL etc . Besides regular classes many tricks are taught to students to ensure proficient test taking skills, time management and high scores. Good scores are a determining factor in successful admission to colleges of one’s choice and even the possibility of financial aid.

Bank Loan Finance and Scholarship Assistance:

Quite a lot of students often need financial assistance or bank loans to be able to fund their education abroad. In such cases, we grant assistance and information about scholarship programs, university grants program and independent grants given by trusts and educational societies for students who are willing to study abroad. Our team will also guide you through the process of applying for these scholarships and grants. On the other hand, if a scholarship is not available, then the students are advised to approach banks for education loans.


Visa Assistance:

Visa Processing is undoubtedly a very critical part of study abroad journey. Students are helped with the visa application documentation and are counseled for the visa interview – how and what to say, what are typical questions etc.

Pre-Departure Guidance:

After successfully securing admission and visa, students are counselled for a smooth transition into a foreign land. There are many factors that need to be considered and processed before arriving at the University. We guide students on accommodation options, off campus/on campus job opportunities, transport options, food options, cultural differences/expectations, job opportunities, on campus work rules. etc. The aim is to ensure a smooth and successful transition.

Students may contact the counsellors even after graduating to help them with settlement, business, and citizenship  process. This service is unique to Omega Consultants as we believe in life long partnership and guidance.


Live your dream with us. Contact us today for the finest services offered!

Our Services

  • Career Counselling
  • Undergraduate Admissions Abroad
  • Graduate Admissions Abroad
  • MBA Admissions Abroad
  • Summer School Abroad
  • Visa Counselling
  • Profile Building
  • High Schools Abroad
  • Consulting To Schools and Universities
  • Scholarships, Loans and Financial Aid Consulting

Career Guidance & Aptitude Tests

  • Engineering & Technology
  • Business & Management
  • Architecture
  • Law
  • Health & Medicine
  • Fine Arts
  • Communications
  • Applied Sciences
  • Social Sciences